Bye, 2019, Hello, 2020: Hail Janus!

At the turn of the year, I like to write a love note to the previous year and take a look ahead. this helps me to take stock of what has flowered in the past twelve months and to peek ahead at what I’m planting and planning in the coming year. It’s mostly for me, really— because I’m often like, ‘I’M NOT DOING ANYTHING!’— then I sift through the wonders of the past year and I’m like, ‘Oh, I did stuff. I did cool stuff. Cool.’ So take a little trip with me.

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Winter Solstice: An Artist's Altar

I love this dark seasonal time leading to the longest night of the year— a juicy, gestational time of introspection, expectation, intent, and possibility.

I've tended to an altar in my studio space for many, many years. I've kept some kind of altar since I was nineteen. I like being open to the poetry of symbols— its not a matter of 'belief' but of possibility: what are the possibilities of meaning-making and intention-setting? An altar is a site to gather energy, focus work and life intentions, and honor what is right for you.

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The Little Yakking Monster

The Little Yakking Monster: “Yakkety-yak-yak-yak.” Shut it, monster.

Most of us have a rambling and babbling voice that chats and annoys and cajoles and sometimes even shouts: a little Yakking Monster who sits on your shoulder— invariably critical, judgmental, cynical, and snarky.

Nope! Nope! Nope!

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Practice Makes Practice

For many years my fitness practice and creative practice have been intertwined. My home studio is music studio, film editing suite, workout room, sometimes visual arts studio, and a cozy research space with a lovingly tended-to altar: a symbolic and poetic environment for setting intentions and focussing energy.

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Looking Forward, Looking Back

Before embarking on the adventures of 2019, I’ll honor my 2018 work, and the work of my many collaborators, by logging some goodies below. Lots of my pals near and far follow my escapades on the interwebs, so join me in revisiting projects and looking at what’s ahead in 2019.

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Winter Scorpion: Creative Venom

Scorpions are way cool.. Way. Cool. They glow in the dark. How cool is that? (more on their poetic biology later). January is my month to tap into of ferocity, tenacity, insight, and creative illumination; and a reminder of the deepest and most potent power— an intensity of purpose and vision that is life-sustaining and essential: a creative venom

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The Making of Digital Medusa

I am a monster of my own making, a digital phantasmagoria. I (re)imagine myself.
I hear the me who is not me, yet still me
            I am Many She-Monsters...

Full creative essay and new experimental voice film published on Question Journal: A New Journal for the Humanities from South, West & Wales Doctoral Training Partnership. Check it out here.

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Roses in an Unrelenting World

A few years ago, I did a photography project and it's stuck with me as a favorite durational art work.Two quotes come to mind now via this wee flower project of simple observation coupled with the unrelenting and contant still-(dis)believable / (un)believeable march of events in our world— it all feels like a remembering of a never-was / once was— the conitnued surreality of my 21st century Ever-Romanticism.

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Crossing the Threshold: a word, a whisper

Words. (What? Wait. What did you say? What did I hear?)

Words out of the order. Whisper. Wail. Speak. Sing. Scream. Sling shot shouts. Swoops like sirens. Echo. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Discard what isn’t useful. Discord. Discard. Draw out. Breathe. Sigh. Gasp. Ingress. Inspire. Respire. Take apart the diphthongs. Vowels long. Vowels short. Explode plosives. Consonants crackle and quake, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, and so on.

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