I LOVE WORDS! Fierce is from the Old French fiers ‘fierce, brave, proud’, and from Latin ferus ‘untamed’. Untamed. Yeah!

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Blue Moon

I hope you’re all enjoying the beautiful big blue moon this weekend and basking in its light. It’s a 4th moon within a season rather than three, so we will have 13 full moons this year instead of 12. Ride this extra burst of energy for centering, envisioning, dreaming-up, and bringing-forth.

What are you planting, sowing, or harvesting in these dog days of summer?

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Misha Comments
Here Comes 2021

I like year-end look-backs. I like to take stock and count my blessings no matter how challenging a year it’s been. And it has been, to say the least. I’ve been lucky this year in so many, many ways. And I don’t need to repeat all the Terrible Year year-end posts. I’ll just take a moment to lead you through my artsy world and its goings-on over the past twelve months…

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Stay Inspired

Inspire is from the ‘Latin inspirare (‘to breathe or blow into’)’ with its root from the word spirare: ‘to breathe.’ Inspiration is connected with the etymology of spirit: from the Latin for ‘breath,’ spiritus, which is also from spirare’…

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Everything Misha News Spring 2020

Hi, y’all!—

I'm sending out a lot of light and inspiration to all of you and spreading a little beauty and magic during this time. I hope this wee missive finds you well. I'd love to hear from you, so don't be shy and drop me a line. What inspires you? Scares you? Revs you up? What's new in your world? Here’s what’s new in mine: a new series of Micro Operas out now and a new music video, Visible Darkness, coming this spring. Read on… #stayinspired

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Clarity! — What is it? Here are some clues:

clarity (n.) c. 1300, clarte, clerte "brightness, radiance; glory, splendor," from Old French clerte, clartet (Modern French clarté) "clarity, brightness," from Latin claritas "brightness, splendor," also, of sounds, "clearness”…. I LOVE WORDS! (thanks!)

Isn’t that cool?

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