“EARTHSHINE conjures the subtle illuminating energies of beautiful things unseen or unnoticed.”
EARTHSHINE celebrates the winter solstice season, the longest nights of the year. This dark and introspective time is a pause before the lengthening days bring us toward summer. I love the idea of going inward and engaging with stillness before the beginning of a new cycle. Earthshine is the dim glow on the darkened part of a crescent moon — the reflected sunlight from Earth shining on the night side of the moon.
Misha Penton: composer, soprano, lyrics, films, production. Music mixed by Misha Penton / Final mix & mastering by Don Gunn. Film Directed & Edited by Misha Penton. Music & Film. Produced by Misha Penton. Made in The Mishaverse.
“The music is a multi-layered composition of voices that build, break down, and build up again to create an unpredictable, yet beautiful secession of harmonies, with mysterious, almost arcane lyrics comprised of Penton’s original poetry.”
Music to Celebrate Winter Solstice Season and the Longest Nights of the Year
Saturday, December 9, 2023 — Reception, Meet & Greet 2-4pm / bubbles & bites | social media fun!
In partnership with Sawyer Yards / Second Saturdays Open Studios
Live Mini Performances between 2-4pm by Misha & Friends
Silver Street Studios @ Sawyer Yards
Live Performance shots from the music video release party! Photos: D. Nickerson.
“I loved how each set had its own texture/vibe and watching how all the musicians and dancers “sensed” (for lack of a better term) each other. I felt like there were instances when one artist or another took the lead, but only for an instance before it all melted into shared space without leader or follower.”
Earthshine release live concert excerpt