Circle Up!


Magic Circles, sunflowers, snowflakes, fingerprints, wreaths, whirls and eddies, volcanic craters, eggs and fruits, suns, moons, planets, stars, galaxies—each mandala-like: circles as metaphor for worlds…universes…harmony…integration…totality…community…

  • Magic Circles are where we hold space for dreams, intentions, each other, and poiesis (making-creating-manifesting-sharing!)—these spaces are three-dimensional energetic signatures, imagined and meditated-into-being as immersive spheres or globes.

  • The Labyrinth of the Ancient Mediterranean and its progeny, the contemplative Labyrinths of cathedrals and groves.

  • Buddhist mandalas, Hildegard von Bingen’s devotional sacred geometry, First Nation and Indigenous Peoples’ sacred art works, Carl Jung’s mandala as the self, the Tarot Wheel of Fortune…too many to name!

Enjoy a few of my watercolor mandalas and a sunflower: a magical nature circle, plus a new track, Venus Over Houston:
